Client/Server Tools Seminar Series

Choosing Client/Server Tools For Business Critical Applications And The Web

Choosing Client/Server Tools For Business Critical Applications And The Web

How well your organization can build, manage, and scale applications on all clients---especially the Web---depends primarily on the productivity and management capabilities of your client/server tools, and their ability to generate Java...or not. You're invited to explore the key tools success criteria for developing, managing, and deploying applications across all clients-at Choosing Client/Server Tools For Business Critical Applications And The Web.

About the Seminar

To succeed, applications have to easily scale across your enterprise on all clients, including the Web. Yet many client/server development tools prevent organizations from building, managing, and scaling applications across large enterprises, and may not even address the Web as a client requirement.

That's why we're inviting you to our morning technology briefing -- Choosing Client/Server Tools For Business Critical Applications And The Web. This event is specifically designed to outline the key success criteria for building, managing, and scaling applications, so you can systematically determine the tools solution that makes the most sense for your organization.

This is the only seminar devoted exclusively to comparing leading client/server tools for building, managing, and scaling enterprise applications that can also extend to the Web.

We look forward to showing you how eleven tools compare in delivering scalable applications and support for Web clients.

What You Will Learn

Seminar Agenda

8:30-9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast
Key Success Criteria For Building Scalable Enterprise Applications For All Clients, Including the Web.
  • Strengths and limitations of Java, HTML, and CGI for building transactional Web applications
  • Critical tools technology for rapidly delivering scalable and manageable client/server applications for all enterprise clients
  • How key client/server tools compare in delivering scalable enterprise applications
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-11:00 Demonstration: Java Powered Enterprise Development Environment---Unify VISION
Meeting Business-Critical Application Development Requirements For Enterprise Clients
  • Taking advantage of 4GL visual development for Web and other enterprise clients
  • Achieving cross-database support for Oracle, Sybase, Informix, DB2, SQL-Server, and PC databases
  • Maximizing network performance and scalability with a three-tiered architecture
  • How to create manageable applications with no additional developer effort.
11:45-Noon Ask The Experts About Your Requirements For Your Applications

Where and When

This seminar series is being offered in these six cities:

San Francisco, CA Feb 11 Hyatt Regency San Francisco
Dallas, TX Feb 13 The Westin Galleria Dallas
Chicago, IL Feb 25 Hotel Nikko Chicago
New York, NY Feb 26 New York Marriott Financial Center Hotel
Falls Church, VA Feb 27 The Fairview Park Marriott
Atlanta, GA Feb 28 Hyatt Regency Atlanta

Free When You Attend:

Developing Scalable Enterprise Applications In The Internet Age:
A Guide To Choosing Client/Server Tools

This free morning seminar demonstrates how you can determine the strongest tools solution for your organization's enterprise applications. You'll also receive free when you attend: Developing Scalable Enterprise Applications In The Internet Age: A Guide To Choosing Client/Server Tools. This guide compares key client/server tools on ten issues critical for successfully building scalable Web and non-Web enterprise applications. Register today to ensure your participation.

How to Register

To register for this complimentary seminar, call: 800/311-5103. Or, register on-line. Seating is limited, so register today to reserve your place.

Top of Page      About the Seminar What you will learn Seminar Agenda Where and When How to Register

Client/Server Tools Seminar Series
Copyright 1995, 1996 Unify Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last Revised: 13-Jan-1997
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